Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

..."Oh no!"

... says Mitsy, "Is it true that the camera adds 10 pounds???"

me: Well, I am not sure about that at all. Maybe it makes you look a LITTLE bigger...

Mitsy: I can't believe it! I am going to look HUGE. Everyone is going to think I'm FAT! Do you hear me? Fat! For God's sake, I already look Enormous!

Me: Um...I'm sorry Mitsy. I already posted the video to YouTube...

After a morning in the office and a couple of hours out taking care of some chores, I retired to the patio to see what/who would turn up. Almost immediately Mitsy the Chippie ran up and gazed demandingly inquiringly at me. Fortunately, I had peanuts, so we started the game. I hold one in my fingers, she dashes over, grabs it, and dashes off. At some point, the game changed and she no longer dashed off, preferring to sit there, shell, and "pouch" her treasures - guess it cut down on the trips back and forth. And, by my count, she can fit the contents of about 6 or 7 whole peanuts in her pouches if she shells them first. Clever. Take a look at the video and see what you think...

Mimsy (the first and still favorite) hasn't mastered that yet, preferring to jam her peanuts, shell and all, into her cheek pouches. And Little Mortie .... well, I am not even sure he knows he HAS cheek pouches since he just grabs one nut and runs around aimlessly with it. Oh, to be young and carefree...

Thank you for the rather surprising response to yesterdays bee/wasp shot! I didn't expect that one to be so popular so thank you so very much. I saw another wasp in the asters today, and was lucky enough to get off a shot of a bumblebee doing a fly-by. But thought one bee/wasp a week was enough from me!

Hey, Happy Humpday!

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