Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

In memory of...

Twelve Monarch butterflies released today (8 females, 4 males).  I shed some tears, but also felt my heart lift as each butterfly took their first flight.  The dedications today were for soldiers, sons, aunts, mothers, and all the souls who perished on this day sixteen years ago.  The butterfly in this photo is # 80 - he was one of three that I released specifically for the victims of 9/11.  

I was relieved to hear from almost everyone I know in FL, all safe, thankfully.  

MIL was taken to hospital today to have some tests run to try to diagnose some severe pain she's developed in the last week.  Hubs is with her and they hope to have all tests completed in a few hours so she can return to the nursing home tonight.  Keep a good thought, please.  

Three hummingbirds in the garden today, including a male who showed up last night.  You can see him in Extra.

Still collecting names for Monarch least 30 more this season...


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