The Artist's Eye

By ArtistAnnie

Tiger in the Window

Seems I am taking a bit of a break from continuous blipping. I find myself missing days and letting them go by. This is new for me. I've hardly missed any days since January 2010. I think this more casual attitude is part of an inner change that is going on. I can feel myself relaxing, letting life flow through, being free of the responsibilities that I chose to take on during the past four years. All that time I kept on blipping, and made sure I got a photo each day no matter what. Right now I'm not feeling like that. If I miss a day or two I am okay with it. I think that my new open feeling about my life is something good and I am happy to be where I am right now. Physically - I love my new house, and mentally - I love feeling free and relaxed. I'm still doing the things I want to do, like painting today for the first time since July, and taking care of business regarding moving and now the estate sale and sale of my other house, now dubbed "the lake house." It is an interesting spot to be in. Content. Not really quite knowing where I'm heading or what I plan to do with my life. And being fine with that.

The tiger is in my kitchen window. I took several panoramas of the interior of my house/condo. You can see them here, on The Chaikins of Bellingham. I wonder if I should change the name of that blog...? We shall see.

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