Time to Sing and Time to Sign

Day two of Sing and Sign today. First of all it was Stage 1 which was a bit challenging! My mind went blank at the beginning which threw me a bit, and then I was a bit intimidated when all the Mummies were signing more signs than me. Which threw me a bit.
And I couldn't remember who wanted tea, who wanted coffee and who wanted juice at the end.
Which threw me a bit.
And made me realise why I'm not a waitress!!!
But it wasn't a disaster and everyone seems really nice!
Babes comes straight after which I had been worried about never having done it with the Little Misses but I really enjoyed it! Lots of four and five month old babies being very cute!! And nice mums too.
When I got home I made the most of not having to practice and sing songs.
I lazed around on the sofa all afternoon watching rubbish TV, chatting on Facebook, catching up with Blip (as much as I ever catch up!!) and generally being a lazy thing!! Bliss!!
Thursday is Miss L's swimming and after last week's whinge fest I put Miss E into After School Club. Rather than having to listen to more whinging and look at that whingy face!!!!!
Miss L burst into tears when I picked her up and said she was too tired to go swimming. She did look dead on her feet so we went home instead and snuggled up on the sofa!
After a few hours we went back to get Miss E.
Money well spent!!!!

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