Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Room for two

Bowlby has taken to riding up and down stairs with Mum these days. Sometimes she is on Mum's knee, but sometimes she is on the footrest of the stair lift. She is perfectly capable of running up and down stairs, but she prefers this. The two old ladies travel slowly together (18 and 96).

We had our last committee meeting before the festival today. There were lots and lots of last minute arrangements to be made. I think we have all bases covered, but you never know. We are trying to ignore the forecast that predicts the wettest October for years.

The t shirts will not arrive by Wednesday but we should have them in time for the festival. I do hope they are not delivered when we are out fo the house........

The other Marjorie came for a meal with us. It was good to catch up and to share lots of the things that have been going on in our lives.

We watched University Challenge recorded. I knew quite a few answers tonight!

"Time for bed", said Zebedee.

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