The Feast Day of St Francis

Dear Diary,

Today is the day for blessing all the creatures, feathered and furred, that share my life.  Of course, Emerson was first in line.  He brings such joy to my life, he truly is a blessing.

And then there are all the feathered friends that visit every day.  This little chickadee was getting a drink of water from the old pump on the patio.  When I use it there is always a bit left in the spout and this little one was taking advantage of it.

I am also thinking a lot about little Philly today who is still "missing".  I go out everyday and call her, ring the bell and wait but she doesn't come.  I feel truly blessed to have had her gentle presence in my life for four years.  I am not without chipmunks of course.  I've seen at least two new little ones.  I will wait and see who comes back in the spring before I get to know them and name them. 

Gaylord was around the other day.  It won't be long before he is making daily visits...Rudy too.  So the fun never stops around here and speaking of "fun" Matt will be coming this morning to start the fall cut back and frankly, I'm ready to put the garden to bed.  The furnace repair man is coming too so hopefully I will have heat today!  Hooray!  That will be a blessing too!

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