
Miss L seems to only have one pair of school socks at the moment which isn't ideal. 
Nor is it ideal to find that one pair scrunched up in the bottom of the swimming bag. Wringing wet. At 8.20am. Shit!!
I put her in white socks and told her it'd be fine. And perhaps Mummy would go and buy some more school socks today!!
On the way to school I remembered that they have assembly today and Miss L would be getting her Rocket Recognition award - for children that go above and beyond in some way. She'd done loads of extra times tables and division work and got a rocket for that. Yay!!
So I thought I'd best see if I could find any green socks in the second hand room.  Success! I found a pair that looked as though they'd vaguely fit.
I took them up to Miss L's class - where she was being told off for wearing white socks, sigh - and handed them over. 
Miss L's teacher must think I'm an imbecile - the only two interactions I've had with her this term are about Miss L's lack of a coat during a monsoon and now her school socks being left to fester in the socking wet swimming bag. I'm that mum, ha ha ha!!!!
I had a lovely morning at Mrs K's house - bagels, tea and chat. Mrs A and Mrs J were there too and it was fun setting the world to rights. And telling them one or two of my adventures when I was off travelling the world. Mushroom shake anyone?!!!!
Then it was home to walk Archie, sit around for a bit, head to school to pick up Miss L and go to the cafe at Miss E's school.
It's lovely to sit out in the sun chatting and drinking tea. Mrs A and Mrs J were there too!
Once Mr K got home I left the Little Misses in his capable hands and went over to Miss K's for dinner. Chicken biryani, popadoms and lots of tea. Perfect!!

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