Earthbound Misfit

A dreadful night,  coughing and wheezing, interrupted sleep and no lie in.... but much better as the day has progressed, cheered by a visit from a friend heading North. Hope I've not infected him.

A day of understanding fine lines.
The first French lesson was easy so I pushed on, but by the end of the second I was making simple mistakes, need to switch the brain back into learning mode.
10 minutes on the exercise bike was too easy, 12 a little too much (forgot to put the light on in the garage and tried guessing as couldn't see the timer).
Volunteering to help people you don't actually like do things they don't think they have to (but actually do) doesn't feed the soul.

Philosophy Friday
If you can't fly, then run,
If you can't run, then walk,
If you can't walk, then crawl
But whatever you do,
Keep moving forward
Martin Luther King Jnr.

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