Saw It On The Grape Vine

I woke to bright sunshine and couldn't wait to get outside with the camera to search for spiders for #Arachtober. The grape vine by the backdoor was buzzing and the first thing I noticed was a hornet caught in a spider's web. It's amazing that such such a big powerful insect can be caught by gossamer. Hornets, wasps, bees, flies, shieldbugs, and butterflies were swarming all over the ripe grapes and basking on the beautifully coloured autumn leaves. I even caught a glimpse of a mouse climbing the vine.

It was lovely to see my daughter and granddaughter for a cup of tea mid-morning. After that I was glued to the vine. My main image is of a red admiral and I've added a montage of other shots to extras.

Today's poem is From Ode to the West Wind V by Percy Bysshe Shelley.

Written after a walk in a wood on the banks of the Arno when a storm was brewing. The hopeful final lines are familiar. "The trumpet of a prophecy! O, Wind, If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?"      

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