Room with a view

We had a travelling day today. Up early and left before 8am. We had a shortish trip planned from Mallacoota to Bombala 156 km.

After about 50 k we stopped to check the van and found a problem with the tow bar. We unhitched and I stayed with the van while Bob went to purchase a new one. He had to go 100k to the nearest town with the necessary equipment, and100k back along a very windy road. We were hoping to get a bit further today as we made a good start but by the time we got here we were over it. it is pretty remote down here, I finished my book and got into bed as I was cold while I waited 3 hours, it was only about 8 degrees. It rained all day so we did as little as possible when we got here, half our clothes are wet.

This is a view out the window after it fined up a bit...apparently there is wild weather all across the eastern states.

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