Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


That's how I am feeling after this morning's procedure - a bit bleary.  Hubs took me out for a tomato/basil/feta omelette at our local diner after I was released from the surgical center (and after I'd loudly proved to the nurses that I could, in fact, pass gas).  From there, it was home and to bed for me.  Didn't get much sleep last night and am also still loaded with the happy drugs from the colonoscopy.  Had a very nice, long nap with the cats.  

I finally tottered out to the garden, where I took exactly three shots of this daisy in my garden, quick pass through Lightroom and that's a wrap.  It's raining but still warm so it looks like I'll still have flowers for a few more day.  

The colonoscopy didn't turn up anything unexpected - one polyp that was removed and will be biopsied (but not suspicious in any way).  The bad news is that, since I've had polyps on my last two procedures, I will have to return in 3 years.  The good news is that the prep solution he gave me was much less noxious than any of the prior times I've done the "cleanse".  The whole purging process is still unpleasant and not going to ever make my "top 10 fun things to do" list, but's not a brain tumor.  (That's how Hubs and I measure things now - how it relates to a brain tumor...dark humor, but it makes us both laugh).

Okay, clearly the drugs are still resident in my body and it's possible that I'll be horrified when I read this later.  Hmm I wonder if this should be on the "dont' do for the first 24 hours list"?

I'll leave you now with this - have a great week!


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