Choosing Tiles

This would appear to be the only photo I took today!! My memory is so bad that rather than try and remember the code to get my free sample tile from Tons of Tiles it was easier just to take a photo of it!
My day got off to an early start. We were expecting the fencing people to come and put in our new back fence on Saturday but they messaged me last night to ask could they come and do it today instead. They'd be here about 8am she said.
At 7.40am this morning just as I was getting out of the shower there was a knock at the door and there they were. Bright and early!!
My mum came round early too. She was looking after Miss L for me today while I was working. Miss E was off on an outing with Miss J from school. Mrs C had kindly offered to come and get her from ours to save my mum the trip.
Classes were good again today. Lots of Halloween fun and games!!
I had been worried about lessons today but I needn't have been, all went well and I felt much more confident.
I headed to my mum's to collect Miss L. They were not long back from town and Miss L was very proud of all her Pound Shop bargains. Modelling clay, a craft kit and a very sweet light up Christmas cottage.
She was happy upstairs watching Scooby Doo for an hour or so while I had tea and chatted to my mum.
Ignoring her complaints we headed back for her swimming lesson and then home for snuggles on the sofa, Maleficent and a bit of tile shopping.
Miss E got home at about 6.30pm. What an AMAZING day she's had!!!
They went to Oxford for the day - mince pies in Starbucks, open top bus tour, pizza for lunch, book shopping in Blackwells (Miss E's dream shop!!), cookies and gargoyles. It sounds so brilliant!!
I may need to raise my game in the playdate department - letting them hang around in Miss E's room all day before takeaway pizza might not cut it. Ha ha ha!!!!!
A good day all round.

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