Little Angel Wings

Dear Diary,

The birds are still not very much present in the backyard yet.  An occasional blue jay, a random nuthatch and this little chickadee.  The sunlight on his fluttering wings was a lovely moment and although this is not the best photo I've ever taken, it still captures the sight.  "Little angel wings", I thought.  They also look a bit like scallop shells.  A moment of common enchantment.

I really miss seeing the birds and I hope they start coming around soon.  It is most unusual to not have to fill the feeders every day.  Even the suet remains uneaten.  Now that temperatures are getting much colder perhaps they will start coming around.  Rosie and Gaylord have been coming but Rosie will probably tuck in for her winter nap shortly.  I suspect that this time next week I will be napping a lot too!

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