Upstairs, Downstairs

En-route to the hospital, I asked Alan to stop near the bandstand so I could get my blip for the day as the sun was just rising.  I've blipped the bandstand many times, but I don't think I've ever posted it from this angle, showing the cafe below.  If weddings are booked on the bandstand and the weather's bad, the ceremony is performed  inside the cafe.  It's good that there's another option, but I doubt it has the same feel as being up there, looking out to sea.

We arrived at the hospital at 7.15am and as Alan's working from home this week, once he'd got me settled in my room, I told him to go home and said I'd text him to let him know what time my op was going to be.  It turned out that I was first on the list as mine was a quick procedure and I went to the theatre at 8.35 am and came round in the recovery room an hour later, so he'd literally just got home when he got my text.

Everything went fine, and the physiotherapist came and gave me a lesson on how to use the crutches, and showed me some exercises to do.  I've got to keep my leg raised  and am only allowed to get up and move around for 10 minutes every hour, for three days though. I get twinges when I move around, and I certainly feel it if I stretch it too far, but it's not as bad as I thought it might be.

I was allowed home at 2.30pm, and was worried about the boys jumping on my knee, but they've sniffed my dressing so I think they know something's wrong and are both curled up next to me on the sofa.  I only have to keep the bandage on until tomorrow as it's a tight compress, and once I take it off, I'll just be left with a small dressing which is good and then I'll see my consultant in two weeks.  

The highlight of my day was when I'd literally just come out of recovery, and I received a phone call from a blocked number.  My nurse asked me if I wanted to answer it, and I did - it was my lovely friend Barbs phoning to ask if I fancied a walk at lunch time lol!  She'd completely forgotten my surgery was today, but I was a bit grumpy with her as I'd not come round from the anaesthetic fully and was hooked up to machines, but I did have a chuckle about it afterwards.

Anyway, it's time to get up and move around again, although I won't be as adventurous as I was an hour ago when Alan caught me going upstairs with my camera - well the sun was setting, what was I supposed to do? lol!

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