Side Shot With Extra

Having gone to bed quite early the night before (gone to sleep is something else), and then woken up at about 09.00 this morning, was in quite a good mood today.  Went to work, the lessons were a breeze, drove back home in time for the sunset, but which didn't mean there was going to be a good spot for it along the A16, so I knew it was going to be a 'passing shot'.  To facilitate this, I deliberately drove on the right lane for about 6 kilometers, slowing down behind a lorry (more than ample distance) to about 90 kph, which is the maximum speed limit of a lorry here in The Netherlands.  This gave me time to focus well and even zoom.  Six kilometers of the sunset .... I don't get that everyday!  I've enclosed a couple of extras.

When I got home, new genealogical info was waiting (and a grumbling hubby because he caught sight of the bill), plus that lovely book of Elif Shafak that I've been engrossed in but which I'll unfortunately finish by tomorrow, by the looks of it.

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