Abstract Thursday - Distortion

No filters were used in the making of this image.

I recently added a spherical lens to my collection. It's quite a technical and niche item, and harder to use well than one might imagine. Firstly, do you hold it and thus have your hand in the image, or place it on a surface? Then, do you focus on the image, the sphere or the background? How much of the inevitable chromatic distortion can you tolerate (if it's clear in the centre, the periphery has a blue haze, if clear around the sphere, not so much in the centre!). And finally, what might look quite good?

Well, it's a blowy old day out there..., the sort of changeable weather that causes one to consider getting the bike out, then seconds later dumps a load of rain all over the place! So I settled for this natural light shot in front of the iMac. It's pretty much straight out of the camera, except I did decide the chromatic aberration was better on the keys than on the 'edge of the circle'.

I'm back in the local press again. If I retired to enjoy the quiet life it failed to happen. Hey ho. Never bored. And now there's a rainbow outside my window... Sunshine and rain, rain and sunshine... I really would like to get the bike out for a bit. Sigh. It must be Thursday - never could get the hang of Thursdays.

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