The Flowers That Keep on Giving

These Birthday flowers arrived by post in a cardboard box exactly a fortnight ago and I wasn’t prepared for them having a long shelf life, given their method of delivery, but they have gone beyond the call of duty and are still flourishing.
Well done to my Elgin family for such a good choice.

Today I had an appointment at 10:30 for my birthday health MOT and flu jab with the practice nurse. Since a cholesterol test was scheduled there was the usual nil by mouth beforehand which made the hike over Bruntsfield Links into the teeth of a freezing heavy shower feel just that much worse.

I arrived absolutely soaked to discover there was a power cut at the practice and they were working on auxiliary power. My blood testing couldn’t be done because......... the sample labels couldn’t be printed as the printers were out of action. I couldn’t book another appointment because ......the computers were out of action.
Technology, I ask you!

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