Shooting Board

Short of ideas for a blip I have taken davidc's idea and refined it to fit my own past diy efforts.  As used here, refined is a synonym for copied :-)

Despite having one grandfather who was a blacksmith, the other a carpenter and an electrician for a father ... I am not particularly good with hand tools. My father was very handy with a welding set and circumvented his own difficulties with cutting wood, by building several circular saw benches.  No one with any sense, not even on a very Silly Saturday,   would let me loose with a welding set!

I can make a reasonable job of electrics, soldering and I can fix electronics,  but that is about it for anything complicated.

Gill's potting bench is  the limit of my woodworking ability. 

Years ago when we had our first house I made this shooting board which is used with a plane to square up the ends of cut timber for e.g. the rails in a bench frame, or the slatted shelves in an airing cupboard.  A you tube video here shows how it might be used. It can also be used to trim rails down to length when the person wielding the saw can't cut any two pieces of wood to the same size :-)   

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