An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

More Autumn Leaves...

After the last 4 mono blips I decided today's should be a riot of colour so carefully arranged to take this shot of the Japanee Maple, just as the setting sun was hitting it.

Stop! It's all lies! This hastily grabbed shot was taken when I realised I had 10 mins max of semi-decent light left otherwise you'd be getting a blip of my Duran memorabelia but I am saving that for when I am really desperate for blip! tomorrow I suspect as heavy rain is forecast! rant about to start. It would be wise to jog on now. Don't say I didn't warn you.....

Blip pals who are regular followers of my journal will know of my recent pissed -offness don't even know if that's a word but don't care! with the deliveries of online orders. Just about every order we have placed has had a problem requiring returns, re-orders, re-deliveries etc etc.......well today's delivery presented us with a new situation.....apparently we weren't in to receive the order.

Except we were.

The bright yellow and white card through the door states that they tried to deliver the parcel at 12.25 but noone was at home to receive it. Utter crap tosh. We were sitting in the kitchen, 10 paces from the front door, with Agnes and Adrian, eating bacon rolls before the guys headed off to play golf at 12.45.

There was no knock at the door and they definitely didn't ring the bell as honestly, the bloody doorbell would waken the dead! I have spilled many a cup of tea in fright when the doorbell has rung just as I was about to have a sip!

They will apparently attempt to redeliver tomorrow. Great. We have to go out tomorrow! Arrghgghhhhhh!!!!!

Honestly, it's enough to put me off online shopping for a couple of days life!!!

That aside, Agnes and I had a very pleasant afternoon drinking tea, eating carrot cake and catching up. Not seen her for ages. D & A enjoyed the golf but the least said about their scores the better.

Dinner time now and then a blip catch up and watch last nights Bake Off.

Happy Wednesday Peeps :)) x

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