This is me just after I got back home from Slimming Club.  I walked through a blizzard to get there and a worse blizzard on the way back home. The snow only started at 4pm but when it arrived it was with a vengeance.  Freezing cold today too.  It was minus 6 degrees this morning.

I went to Fitness as usual this afternoon - the paths were a bit icy but not too bad.  Only 8 ladies there this week ( the man hasn't been for a couple of weeks ) Then I posted a few items at the Post Office and did some shopping before coming home

At 5.30pm I got well wrapped up to face the weather and set off through the blizzard for Slimming Club.  The place was deserted apart from the consultant and one lady who was doing the weighing.  Everyone was just weighing and going straight home  and I did the same.  Lost one pound this week.

I was glad to get home and straight into my jim jams.  Then it was tea time - gammon, bubble and squeak and a fried egg.

Steps today - 15,432

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