The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Cold frosty morning

I had to put on my yaktrax (ice spikes) and put my cards in a suitcase to walk down our road, which is a black ice hazard, to meet my lift on the main road. There was no point in her attempting to drive up our street.

The start of work was delayed by two hours, and the nursery trip to the soft play centre was cancelled. I didn't mind. Downtown in Stroud there isn't too much snow lying: it's getting there that is the problem.

I then went on to the community centre at Stonehouse for our WEA Christmas bash. We'd been expecting quite a few people (there are about eighty people on the mailing list, but some may have moved away, or even passed away) but in the event, around fifteen attended. As the committee had bought in sandwiches and snacks for the first time, we all went away with a doggie bag!

We had a slide show highlighting our various trips and events this year, as well as the classes, and a token planning meeting, and I sold some cards as well as some of my friends daughter's Christmas crafts, which she is selling to raise funds for her school trip to Ghana. (Such fantastic opportunities the middle-class schoolchildren have today! My niece went to Laos a few years ago, in a similar venture).

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