Mollie is back!

I had an easy drive to work today - less people work on a Friday I think. So leaving at 7.25 I drove all the way in for 8.20, parking in St Andrews car park for £6.

It was Christmas jumper day. We paid £1 for the privilege although all I did was attach a sparkly pipe cleaner Xmas tree to my sparkly top with a safety pin. We had a good turnout. At lunchtime I did a brief bit of shopping but as Mollie’s train was delayed I couldn’t meet her at the station. Then at just after 2 (the time I have to be back in the office by) she appeared, complete with a giant bag and a big smile. It was lovely to see her. We chatted briefly then I sent her off to the shops. I still had work to do until 4.

We left at 4.30 and once home crashed while Jon cooked pizza for tea. Then I had 2 helpers in Morrisons tonight which was great. Until I got the bill - it was way higher than it should be!! I need to try Lidl again. I didn’t even buy my veg and fruit as I’m going to get it at Sheringham market tomorrow.

We’ve planned our day tomorrow and after the morning shop we will be baking all day! Dan’s train comes in at 7ish in Norwich and then we will all be together again!

One more sleep...

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