A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Third Sunday in Advent

These wreaths are hanging from the side lights in church on the outside wall and, as here, on the pillars dividing the side aisle.

I think they look great and we've had similar ones adorns with poppies for Remembrance Sunday. Well done to our church flower arranging ladies.

Today the pink candle was lit in the Advent crown which I always thought was the Lady candle but we were told today that it was Gaudete or Rejoicing Sunday and a tradition has it that in some places rose would be worn today and used for alter cloths. Must admit I've not heard of that before.

We raised £400 yesterday at the Turkey and Tinsel event, half of which come from the big hamper raffle. It was drawn at the end of church but non of my tickets were winners.

We had three hymns today that we (the choir) didn't know! Good exercise in sight reading.
Will be back again in a couple of hours for our annual carol service. Let's hope we know all of those well enough.
One things for sure I'll be ready for a mulled wine at the end though I often think we would benefit from one at the start!

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