Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Through the Wood-robe

I almost didn't take a jacket today, and didn't take my gloves, although I thought of them as I walked out the door. At our place it was just somewhat chilly, but ok. When I got to the railway station to buy my ticket, the attendant told me that it was snowing in Katoomba. Still, it being Spring after all, I expected just a little wee bit of sleetish sort-of-snow, which would probably be finished by the time I got up there. As we approached Wentworth Falls, looking out the window I saw actual proper snow falling. Not heaps, but very clearly snow. As we neared Leura it became noticeably heavier, and was blanketing the station when I got off.

So out came the camera, though I had to shelter it as things got even heavier.

Check out some frozen crystals of awesome. From the sky.

And here's a large version of my chosen blip, which both mrs tsuken and I found somehow reminiscent of The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. I like the way it draws my eye through to the highway behind.

'Sfunny though: no-one took seriously my suggestion that we cancel psychiatry for the day and the whole ward go outside and play in the snow. I think they thought I was joking....

On the way to ED to see a patient however, I dragged our resident medical officer the long way round outside, and enjoyed a bit more snow in my face - and even scooped up and threw a snowball. Super-cool. 8)

I had considered taking my running shorts and singlet. I kind of wish I had've. There was something really magical about everything covered in pristine white snow. Everything seemed so still and quiet and peaceful. And yes: magical somehow.

Also, owww - my blip from a year ago....

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