Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Field Stalking

Off to Lithgow today. As I drove along through the Hartley Valley I spied an emu - probably the one blipped recently by Hobbs - and pulled over to take a few pics. After a couple of shots the emu came closer to the fence, and I took a few closer pics. Not too much closer though, as I had my 20mm lens, and if emu are anything like cassowary, I didn't want to get that close. xP

However, I chose to blip this one, even though the emu features much less obviously (perhaps a bit moreso if viewed large) , because I like it more as a photo. The other I linked to, despite showing the emu a bit better, feels to me like more of a snapshot. I like it, but prefer the wider B&W.

I also took a sort of a tree in a field - and I do like my B&W trees in fields, even when they're lying down on the job, and quite frankly a bit past it. ;-)

Another note: I realised something about my old Pentax lens, which would have significant bearing on why I didn't get the results I had anticipated when I tried some star photography with it shortly after I got it. It's a 50mm f/2. Now having read a little, that says to me that 50/2= a 25mm physical aperture.

Then I thoughted and thinked and even thunked. I realised that it's actually not a 50mm lens now; not by dint of FOV crop, but by dint of the adaptor being another 50mm long, so it really is a 100mm lens. Thus, if I understand aright, we get 100/x=25 (as the physical aperture of course is no different. That then becomes f/4. Two stops smaller. Four times less light.


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