
Straight off the camera with no processing today.

The little pope woke me early this morning. This occasionally happens if he's caught short and wants me to unlock his cat door rather than use his dirt box. I prefer that too so up I creaked at dawn. As I returned to bed I noticed a glowing light around the edges of the blind beside my front door. An amazing 'nuclear' sunrise was in progress.

Wearing an odd assortment of clothing I tottered across the road to the top of the mound that's part of the kids playground. A few minutes later the thundering of small feet announced the arrival of Benedict. He sat beside me and appeared to be watching what I was. I don't think cats see colours as we do but whatever was going on inside the pope's furry little brain, he really did appear to be look just as I was.

It was silent except for birds and the sound of the wind. What a glorious sight to see! Then it was back to bed where I promptly fell asleep again. My body clearly needs it.

Later I risked leaving home for a walk. I was gone 1 hour 20 minutes and luckily I wasn't caught short. Excellent.

On the last day of the year I've fixed some things - fiddly stuff where you wish you had 3 hands and are glad to have graduated glasses. I planted a couple of things, tied more trusses of tomatoes up, and started to tidy the veges that have gone to seed. 

Now it's time for dinner, a drink, and my book. Hopefully I can head to the hills tomorrow.

There is more improvement for Dad.

Happy New Year blippers :-)

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