
I don't know what this little flower within a larger spike is called, but it is both striking and delicate. I realize that it is not from the animal kingdom, but the only picture I took from the animal kingdom today was a very large dog sitting with his person on top of a picnic table at Spring Lake. His person told me he was a Black Russian Terrier. They both seemed to be enjoying themselves

I have given up on new year's resolutions. I've even given up on reading all the advice on how to choose resolutions that one might have a chance of accomplishing. It never happens. Whatever I pick, it is either too much, or too trivial, too complicated, boring, tiresome, or grandiose.

Perhaps the problem is in the definition of a resolution. Leading on from resilience, perhaps there are other words indicating a state of mind or of being to which I can aspire. They aren't all or nothing propositions. ...I can get points every time I achieve it, even if only for a short time.

Today I am thinking about contentment. To me, contentment is about being fully in the moment, not worrying about what I have accomplished or intend to accomplish. It is neither the desire to change things or the need to keep things as they are. 

It seems achievable, at least occasionally, and I wish it for all of us. 

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