Went online to book a ticket for a forthcoming Newcastle match and noticed that the adult age range was 18 - 64. No discount for me but I wondered what discount the older fans got - it is a whopping £4 off. Was amused at the older age range 65 - 110. Wonder if there are any fans aged over 100 who still go to the match. If so I think they should let them in for free.

Had strange dreams last night about endoscopys ( mass endoscopys where loads of people were getting them all together in one great big room - scary ) and being down by The Tyne Bridge ready to take a shot but finding that I had no battery in my camera .... more like a nightmare really.

My endoscopy ( camera down the throat ) is tomorrow morning. I had a phone call on Friday afternoon asking me to confirm I was attending and then the woman on the phone said -" Oh - you should have had a letter - I will post it now but you probably won't get it before your appointment". How efficient!. I asked if there was anything in the letter which I needed to know - she said no - there was a form to be filled in but I could do that when I got there ".

The letter did not arrive yesterday and I didn't trust the advice of the lady on Friday so looked online for info. I found out that I should not eat after midnight tonight and can only have sips of water until 2hrs before my appointment. If I'm having sedation - which hopefully I am - then I need someone with me. Good job I checked. Neil was going to come with me anyway. He apparently has to stay with me for 24hrs as my judgement may be impaired.... nothing new there though.

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