Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Hockey term

I had read rave reviews about Everybody's Talking about Jamie, the musical of the true story about a 16 year old boy from County Durham who liked dressing in woman's clothing and wanted to wear a dress to his prom. After its successful run in Sheffield it has now come to London. I booked tickets expecting the reviews to be overrated - they were not, it is everything they said it would be and more. It fizzes with energy, the lead actor is simply a brilliant young man who has a successful career ahead of him - the singing, the choreography and the acting are all top class. It makes you laugh, and cry and shout out with joy...I certainly left the theatre with a spring in my step and wanted to immediately book tickets to see it again! Here is a review about it.

This morning we were to collect Gavin's brother and his wife from Heathrow Airport, as they had a stopover for the day en route from Toronto to Johannesburg to see Gavin's mum. Unfortunately due to bad weather in Canada, their flight was severely delayed and so they arrived as I was leaving for Thomas' afternoon hockey match. My plans for a lovely breakfast together went awry. They had a quick shower and then Gavin brought them down to the hockey match so they could see Thomas, before returning them to the airport - what a pity we never had the day with them that we had planned. 

This was Thomas' first hockey match of the season and they played well but lost 2-0. Their opposition plays two terms of hockey so were were into their groove as a team whereas this was the first outing for Thomas' team and it always takes a while to adjust. However, their opposition were the better team today. 

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