The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Excerpt from 'Puzzling People'

Now I enjoy a jigsaw puzzle as much as anyone, but this....

If this sounds like anyone you know, get some distance between you! Fortunately we did.
It wasn't of our choosing, but it was just as well.

Apart from reading, I have mainly stayed in bed, coughing. Tanya's phone mysteriously rang me, from Facebook. She and Christina told me I looked as I were already laid out for burial! What a comfort. I asked her if her top were made of a floral pattern called Burleigh, but she misunderstood and thought I'd meant a vile mixture of fish guts used to lure other fish out of the deep!

Tomorrow I'm supposed to be going to High Wycombe. We shall see.

Tonight, TV and more Lucia in London. Not as disturbing as reading about psychopaths. I bloomin' hope I get over this cough soon. It's definitely not pneumonia (unless the walking kind) because I've had that, and I was barely conscious. This is more of a fashionable Victorian decline. I'm fed up with it!

PS This is the second time I've blipped text this week. Sorry it's only words...but at least my (actual) thumbnails look presentable now.

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