Miniature Daffodils

It’s been a busy day.  TT went off to work very early.  BB and I were left to get ourselves out.  We had a change of routine today and had to remember his cello.  I was so focused on remembering it, that I forgot his tea to take to after school club and he forgot his cello notebook, but that’s just because he wasn’t focused on anything!

I didn’t stop all day at work, with no real time for lunch, I had to hastily eat my sandwich between meetings. When I left the office tonight there was a glimmer of light and I could have had a lovely castle blip, but I had no time as I was running for my train.

I picked BB up, got him home, got him changed, and got him to football.  I then rushed home and got myself out to a PTA meeting.  I eventually had my tea when I got home, and thought about baking (as BB requires some home baking for tomorrow), but instead I have weighed everything out in preparation for the morning.

No blips today, so an emergency blip of my little daffs which started to flower this week.

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