A time for everything

By turnx3

Winter shadows

We had sunshine all day today, and made it over 40F! Even at 30F which it was reading when I left for the “Y” to go swimming at about noon, it felt quite balmy compared to what we’ve been having! I had a good swim - it was fairly quiet today - and then stopped off in Pioneer Park again on my way home. Already you could see signs of thawing - the paths were clearer, and the ice on the pond/lake looked thinner. We had a short chat with our daughter Jen in Salt Lake City this evening before going out to dinner, and she was saying they’ve been continuing to have unusually mild temperatures and so far it’s been a really bad winter for the ski resorts. However this evening through tomorrow morning they are supposed to be getting a few inches of snow up in the mountains, though in the city it will just be rain.

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