A time for everything

By turnx3

Winter walk at Spring Grove

“Look to this day, for yesterday is but a dream and tomorrow is but a vision. But today, well lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope”

The day dawned bright and sunny, but the forecast was for clouds to move in for the afternoon, so we got out for a walk at Spring Grove Cemetery and Arboretum after breakfast, to enjoy the sunshine and get our dose of Vitamin D! It’s always interesting to read the quotes or bible verses people choose for their gravestones or monuments - my opening quote was one that caught my eye today. The snow began to melt quite rapidly during the course of the day - at this rate it’ll all be gone in a day or so. I have mixed feelings about this - whilst I’m certainly thankful for the warmer temperatures, on the other hand, without the snow, everything is so drab and colourless in a southern Ohio winter.
One year ago: Le Moulin at Flagy

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