A cushion memory

Now that Minkelina is sitting on my lap all the time (making up for all those lost opportunities) I have been trying to come up with a lap covering that will cushion my bony legs for her and protect me from her claws when she stretches.  I've tried towels of different sizes, but today i came upon this needlepoint pillow, which we will be trying out.

The pillow has a story.  I drew it on canvas, copying a greeting card that Endless Weekend had given me, and I made it during the Watergate hearings.  Every day after work, I would come home, make dinner and sit in front of my TV, needlepointing and watching until they shut down for the night.  It was so gripping and real, and matters of real consequence were being examined so seriously.  It was the best of our government at work. Contrasting that experience with what we are facing now, I grieve.

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