Climbing and Chess

My Monday mornings are usually spent in the woods with my mum, Elsie and Archie. 
This morning at 7am Mrs H messaged to ask could I cover her classes in Bicester today. So the morning was a mad panicky rush getting the Little Misses ready for school and all my Sing and Sign things ready and into the car.
As if Monday morning's aren't stressful enough!!
The classes were really good. I'm not teaching Stage 2 this term and it was fun to have a couple of classes with the older ones and lots more dancing and moving about.
Archie was pleased to see me when I got home. Probably not so pleased when I went out again to get the Little Misses for rock climbing.
Miss L was a loon as usual!! She played chess on my computer for ages and thought it was funniest thing in the world to set it to expert level and try to lose all her pieces as quickly as possible. And then giggle like a nutter!!!
Miss E and Mr E were very sweet together. Last week I had to have a word - having been asked to by their instructor - about the crazy over excited behaviour. I reminded them before tonight's lesson and they were much better apparently. 
As they were taking off their harnesses and helmets Mr E was eating a Dairy Milk. He very sweetly offered it to Miss E and I couldn't help but think of the Milk Tray advert. So sweet!!!!

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