Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Meet Oscar

To continue the story of our new residents.

By the time we went to bed last night, both cats were still in their open cat baskets and hardly blinked.

I woke at about 3, made tea and went to drink it in their room. Daisy had left her basket and was in one of the new cat beds. She just stared at me. Oscar was still wrapped in a blanket in his basket.

By this morning, Daisy had left the first bed and I thought she was under the cushion of the second bed. Oscar had not moved. Oh dear! It's worrying when they don't eat or drink.

This afternoon, Mum was at the Mothers' Union and I was at choir. When we came home, Oscar had vacated his basket. I found him behind a curtain at one end of the big windows (they are floor to ceiling). I grabbed the camera and asked Mum to pull the curtains back very gently so I could photograph him. All good, until I looked at the image on the computer and realised it was Daisy!!

Oscar, it turned out, was at the opposite end of the window, jammed behind the legs of a music cabinet. This is where you see him, in the dark and looking a bit mournful. He is always going to look as if he has a dirty nose, but I wonder how long it will be before I can clean up his eyes.

Patience and perseverance are required.

I will try not to make all my blips dominated by the catkins. We could not decide what to call them. They are old kittens and young cats, so I've come up with catkins.

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