Another world

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I've been watching these 5mm true flies now since Spring, they swarm in their thousands, waving their wings about. I was happy to see a few this afternoon, as the garden, although sunny, was absent of anything of interest. We've cut the wildflower meadow now, raised it to the ground. Almost read to replant it with wildflowers for next year, better get a move on as the starlings will be returning in their wintering hundreds & they'll certainly eat any exposed seed they get their beady eye on!

As for the other bird in my garden... love him so much:

Such a gentleman

I've been busy *making*, my new venture is going good. Just it's so intricate & I keep gluing my fingers down, not to mention trying to cut them off ;) I'm still so exhausted though & Sunday am planning to rest but am sure something will happen & it *won't* happen! xxx

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