The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Slow Saturday

I stayed up late last night, messaging my brothers and sisters and half brother across the globe, in several time zones. Scotland, England, Greece, New Zealand, California, Mexico. Another sister and I connected by text today. It's good to talk, even if many 'facts' about our father remain elusive.

Tumbled into bed after one a.m, having had a go at solving this jigsaw, which features, yes, a volcano in Mexico. Today I tried to stay sitting upright, finished the volcano puzzle, and embarked on another, which Ive been doing on and off since 2016. I am determined to finish it.

I also remarked, in one of my chats, that in detective novels/TV shows, all the loose ends get tied up, and no 'good' person is ever left devastated or intestate. How very unlike life! Maybe that is why we enjoy them, for their sense of completion. (Blipper HerbSusan and I had this same conversation many moons ago, so I can't claim this is an original thought).

However, on the same note, I do enjoy a good jigsaw puzzle, even though I often find there are one or two pieces missing, mysteriously even from new ones! Sometimes I find them months later, after I have got rid of the puzzle. This is much more like my actual life.

By 6pm I was exhausted. Got into bed to watch a quiz show, and fell asleep. Woke up towards the end. The most energetic thing I have done on this
Slow Saturday is to juice an orange and hang up a load of washing. That, dear readers, is my life today. Later, I may read some more Mapp and Lucia.

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