In the Shade of an Ancient Grandmother

I nearly burnt the tyres down to the rim by slamming on the brakes when I saw this Beautiful Old Tree.

I was driving through the hills in the search of another tree that I had seen some time back and had taken photos of but when I saw this beautiful old Fig Tree she called out to me....I call it she had such an ancient feminine feel about her

I felt humbled by her beauty and her graceful shade.

Ive worked on this a bit hoping to capture the loveliness...I encourage to go LARGE.

I am having a week (maybe two) of birthday celebrations, lunches and what not...I am so much better one on one rather than a party with lots of people........and I have to say that so far its been great.

Today cards and presents ...Jaiya brought some beautiful blue water lilies to go with the two bunches of roses a few days ago...I am being spoilt already and its not even my birthday yet.

I am sorry for not getting around to all of you.........Blip has been in GO SLOW to STOP mode around the time (after dinner) when I like to look at your journals.
I suppose it is a rather large site and bless them they are trying to fix it.

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