New to the country

This morning I woke a little late to get to the top of Maungawhau to catch the sunrise. So I gave myself permission to stay in bed and I finished up heading off quite late. Very pleasant through K Road, as the night people were almost all gone. Still two women on street corners, sadly. And a bunch of young men outside the last nightspot to have shut its door. Otherwise, peace.

When I reached Maungawhau and started up the vehicle down road, I saw a tourist bus parked in the bus park area. So I was not surprised when I got to the summit and saw the passengers taking photographs of the view, and more so of themselves. Sometimes with the view behind them, and other times with the trig station behind. Their guide took a group photo.

Obsessionally, I went up by the trig station before turning to head back down, and saw the bus driver striding up. I realised that I had only a short time to get the picture that had occurred to me; of the tourists up on the platform. Sure enough; by the time I got to the right position more than half had come down the steps.

However, along with fewer tourists, I got the addition of a local on her morning run.

These tourists are newly arrived in the country. Many large international flights arrive in Auckland in the early hours of the day, and as their hotels are not ready for them, the tour companies bring them here to see Auckland city from above.

Thus, I think that this meets Blast's challenge for the week; new.

Better in large

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