
Slow start again this morning, and I deferred my run. Busy trying to make some sense out of what has been packed into the downstairs room which will ultimately become a reading and writing room with plenty of book shelves. Was able to take a carload of unwanted stuff (mostly broken or showing signs of being in storage in various places for years) to the dump.

Then we went to the plant and hardware Mega store to get stakes for the tomatoes, and more flower plants, along with some solar deck lights. Back home and the rain appeared to have stopped or at least eased. So off on a run.

Pretty consistently wet throughout. Down onto the beach at Algies Bay to make my way around the points before going up the 80 odd steps to get back to our road. There I saw the Putangitangi family. As soon as they saw me, the drake ordered the move to the water. I stayed a fair distance off, but they kept their course. I got this picture and a couple of others.

In large, I can make out 7 ducklings staying closer to the duck who is leading the rush to the water. However, a later picture of them actually in the water shows 8.

Around the second point and almost at the steps, I saw a bird by itself which appeared to be a solitary oyster catcher. Moving closer, I realised that it was a kingfisher. First one I have seen at Snells. As soon as I moved to get the camera, it also scrambled, took off and fled.

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