Gitama's World

By Gitama

Captain America has Fallen......

......Poor ole Cap'n A........he was puffed out hoping  on his stump over the rocks carrying his left leg and two feet. Not far behind and with great stealth the perpetrator (that went by the name Beetle) watched the Captains journey waiting for the right time to finish him off.
There was good reason that Beetle decided to show him a thing or two.....The Captain was such a bossy fellow who kept on trying to get Beetle to do his bidding....but it was when that puffed up Captain got drunk ....... a bit crazy and started practicing karate kicks on the boy that Beetle decided to put paid to his tyrannical reign.

I had to post this....I took the chewed up pieces to the beach in my pocket to take the pic.

Beetle had chewed up Captain America...(for some reason I laughed my head off it was really funny)....but no leg or boots...over a period of a few days and not having a clue where he got them and then Beetle would come and spit them out at us ...... slowly we managed to get all the bits.........and viola it just had to be posted. Perfect for the challenge.......thank you Hanulli for hosting.

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