Sunlight on Galileo thermometer

I captured this when the sunlight was falling on it, the low sunlight and the highlights made it possible to shoot it without too much blown-out spots while leaving the rest of the scene dark, I think that's probably an apt image for Markus Hediger's Experimental Photography challenge of Light and Shadows this week.

I'm feeling most peculiar today, short of breath and as if I've choked on something, but coughing doesn't help a bit, I hope it will pass very soon. I felt like lying down but I have however (wo)manned myself to sit and look through al the great AT entries. You're making it all so difficult to choose a handful of specials! I think I'm going to let you all choose with me for every last Thursday of the month, as I think Mambo suggested a while ago.  This coming Thursday is not the last Thursday of February however, with the low sun today I've seen quite a lot of interesting shadows, I'm guessing there is low sun everywhere wherever you are (if not on the actual equator) and therefore the next theme is 'shadow abstracts' ( and if you don't have sun next Thursday, you can always get shadows with lamps of course !). The tag will be AT139.

Here's my list of 5 Abstract Thursday specials:
Justtryin   for a trick with an image and a glass resulting in a patterned tunnel image
steveng     for a rock in a glass with water resulting in other worldly bubbles
Xtoffdav    for flipping a tree with a great result
Missycat   for intriguing reflections on spoons and forks
DonnaWanna  for the 'natural' reflection distortion seen on a car's logo

Like I said, it was really difficult to choose, there were at least 15 others I could have mentioned, find the whole collection here

Thanks so much for your kind comments, stars and even a heart for yesterday's blue anemone

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