The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

No longer in the White House I've gone mad for colour! Here's Bomble asleep on the bed (you can just make out his ear on the left) and below, I made a Bomble- shaped cutout. Looking at it, I felt was looking out from a cave mouth in Greece, so I added some colours and layers to make it somewhat dawn-like. No cats were harmed during the production of this image.

Steve had to get up early for an appointment, even though it's Sunday. He went out, and I had a bath in our tub, which is easier than the one in the White House. There's something to lean back on!
I unpacked and tidied up for a few hours, but there is much more to be done.

In a nutshell, I did not get any Sorting Out The House done over the Christmas holidays. I went back to work on 2nd January, and since about 6th January I've been either in bed; at work; away; or discussing via family chat groups the lives and times of our father in Mexico, and his complicated legacy.

So...the house. It's messy but cosy. The colours are not schematic and some rooms are overcrowded, but it's my home, and there are always the charity shops for recycling old stuff. We moved here almost fourteen years ago. Two of the rooms still have patterned carpet, which I'd love to replace one day. The bathroom needs serious attention. My study has become a dumping ground.

If we could sort out the bathroom and the stairs and move some furniture, we could look at doing occasional Air B 'n' B. This might be possible in about a year's time. Even if no one came, we'd still have a nicer house!

Clearly the rest break in the White House has done me good. I'm thinking positively now, and can start to make some changes before February 2019. But I'm not going to overdo it. Which is why Steve and I have been taking an afternoon nap, with Bomble, on a still Sunday afternoon. Outside the blue hour is upon us, but the birds are singing and twittering till six.

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