Australia Day

Wow.....! Thanks for all the comments yesterday.

Australia Day today. A day off work. WooHoo!

Seriously though. I heard that a bunch of boys were beating up anyone who didn't look Australian down at Wellington Point. That is 10 minutes down the road from me. For starters, how would they define an Australian? This is probably one of the most multi-cultural countries in the world. There are many second and third generation Australians who might look like the come from far flung places but they are as Australian as me. How Australian am I? I was born in the UK, my parents emigrated to South Africa when I was 5, I went back to the UK when I was 21 and I emigrated to Australia when I was 23. I don't go for England or SA in sport... unless Australia aren't represented (and the cricket is going pretty well for SA at the moment BTW). What a fantastic country this is. It is a shame that the few spoil it for the many.

So how did I celebrate Australia Day? I went fishing with a few mates, visited my Father-in-Law in the home, had a snooze, did some power pruning in the garden (lets hear it for chansaws), had a beer (Mexican) and had a glass or two of wine (Australain).

The Dad visit was fine. He even remembered his outburst from yesterday and apologised in his own way. He was worried that Jo was angry with him. That is why we love him so much. He can still surprise us.

Happy Australia Day!

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