Shapes in the Snow

The countryside looks pretty, but it comes at the price of inconvenience and cold, but because I didn't have anywhere pressing to be today I've enjoyed it.  I went out early to get my blip and called in town, but others were wiser than me and the centre of town was almost deserted.  This afternoon  I've enjoyed watching our garden visitors and more snow falling.

Jack has a routine doctor's appointment at 8am tomorrow and he's hoping it won't be postponed or have to be missed due to the weather. Nowadays at our doctor's practice, you can't get an appointment unless you're at death's door in under 4 weeks so we've both got our fingers crossed. 

Thank you for the stars and comments left for yesterday's blip, they're all very much appreciated, and thank you BobsBlips for continuing to host the WidWed challenge.

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