"Mae's flowers"....

My little granddaughter is on a "Mae" kick! Everything is hers! The car is Mae's, the cups are Mae's, the chair is Mae's, and the flowers which I used for Flower Friday last week are Mae's too! She kept climbing up onto the table to take some of the flowers out of the big vase, & when her mom would say no, she'd say "is Mae's flowers". Well, who can blame her for wanting some flowers of her own, so I cut a few of them off and put them in a Mae-sized glass and let her put them where she wanted. Every time she looks at them she points to them and proudly says "Mae's flowers", and I tell her what a perfect spot she put them in.......they've been moved a few times, but they always end up back in this spot. :)
I wanted to try a still life today, and I thought the arrangement on my buffet was okay to use, so I just put the items a little closer together; which is when I realized that my table clock, which I've had for years and just love,  (it looks like a huge pocket watch on a stand) had stopped working at 4 minutes to 6. I don't know if it happened last night or this morning, but it didn't work even after a battery change, and Tom couldn't fix it. Guess I'll have to look around for a new one.   :((
Thanks Miranda for hosting SLS, and Anni/BikerBear for her long time hosting of FF! :)

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