Tiny Tuesday - "Tiny"

Tiny divisions between the dark and the light. You almost certainly won't guess, so I'll tell you this is a small part of the horn on one of my bass guitars (Aria IGB68). You can see both the tiny scratches beneath the varnish, left by the woodworker, and the tiny tiny open ends of the tubes that carried gallons of water up this (I think) ash tree when it was alive.

The divisions of light and dark are appropriate today, as we tip over from winter into summer. It may be, does feel, slightly mad to think we're in transition... particularly given there's still a tiny bit of snow under the hedgerows. 

Equinoxes are fixed points in time, although like the solstices they are a bit fluid. At quarter past four this afternoon (UK GMT) we will be at the tiny moment when we stand equally between midwinter and midsummer. Day and night stand equal. Not quite "Sumer is i-cumen in" but the days are now longer than the nights.

Any time now someone will think it's a fine idea to move the clocks forward, so we still get to enjoy the morning darkness... Equinox Blessings, Folks!

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