The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Oh dear

My shot of the WEA projector screen showing a scene from the original Star Wars film wasn't very good. We've now finished the late 1970s in literature and social history. The tutor is not going to cover the 1980s and beyond, but is choosing a different topic. Shame.... However, September is a long way off.

When I got home, Steve was having an afternoon rest. I made some tea and decided to watch Pointless with him, lying down. Bad idea, as I didn't get up till about seven.

The evening passed and I still did not have a blip. So, here is our favourite cat, Bomble. He sneaks into an awful lot of my blips. It was either him or the jigsaw box of the puzzle I've just started, Winter Garden.

And now I must go to bed. Again.

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