Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

A little tongue...

After a morning of running errands and attending to this and that, I was ready for some nature-therapy this afternoon.  Trails are still icy, so I opted to put the hide up out back and see what developed.  It was a fairly slow day, but there are always a few birds I can count on and the Downy Woodpeckers are among them.  This one had a big beak full of suet and was trying to rearrange it so that he could stash it in the snag.  Things got complicated and he eventually opted to just eat the suet instead.  Some days are like that.  

I also got a close up of one of the red-winged blackbirds as he adroitly maneuavered a seed in his beak, using his tiny tongue.  Take a look HERE.

I'm feeling a little out of sorts today - not sure why, just one of those days, I guess.  But, in just over a week, we are headed to warmer climes and new adventures.  

Happy Friday, people.


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